***ACTING ROLES*** (More roles will be announced soon):
*OSKAAR (Male), 22 Years Old (Playing Age: 18-30), Ethnicity (Mixed Race, Middle Eastern, North African, Mediterranean, Pakistani, Indian, South Asian, Latino/Hispanic): -Oskaar is shy when put in embarrassing situations or faced with sexual flirtation. He thinks he needs a deeper connection first and enjoys intellectual chats or debates. Living with his overly-controlling parents, he isn’t used to expressing his true opinion because it’s not worth the hassle. And now he doesn’t realise he has any value to the world. He craves freedom and a meaningful purpose. Upon finding true fulfilment, it’s a struggle to give that up, but his moral compass is very strong.

*CHARLIE (Male), 26 Years Old (Playing Age: 20-34), Ethnicity (Any): -The young creator of the camp and a system that he strongly believes in. All he cares for in life is spreading his abundant inner happiness to others that are ready to receive it. Eccentric, childish yet with an ability to understand all his camp-mates’ emotions accurately at any moment. He is the epitome of unconditional love. But he does have ONE condition, his fierce attachment to the camp rule of ‘NO JUDGEMENT’.

*EMILY (Female), 21 Years Old (Playing Age: 18-30), Ethnicity (Any):
-She is a forward and direct girl who usually gets what she wants. Emily is also very intelligent and she won’t hold back her honest opinion. She cares deeply for her fellow camp members and doesn’t want to hurt their feelings but can also be a wind-up merchant. Emily is also comfortable having sexual conversations. She presumes everyone fancies her and is an unapologetic flirt. Her loyalty is unquestionable but she won’t tolerate anyone breaking THE RULE, even her love interest.

*ARTHUR (Male), 28 Years Old (Playing Age: 18-36), Ethnicity (Any): -He used to live a restricted life, but the camp has enabled Arthur to pursue his passion for ‘midnight fishing’. Now he encourages the others with their individual passions. He is very competitive, impulsive and cheeky. Arthur feels very valued in this camp and is a strong advocator of its philosophy. He feels the camp’s way is the best way and any other way he won’t want anything to do with.

*DANIELLA (Female), 20 Years Old (Playing Age: 18-30), Ethnicity (Any): -She is very sweet, nice and especially caring for her friends. She has been through a lot in this camp, emotionally and physically. But she shuts all of that off and doesn’t complain because they show her so much love.
*DAWSON (Male), (6 Foot +), 24 Years Old (Playing Age: 18-32), Ethnicity (Any): -This seemingly gentle giant is so socially anxious he can’t even make eye contact with the girls. He doesn’t like speaking out loud or turning up for social gatherings. But the group enable him to be more accepting of his anxiety and also to do what he wants. In the real world, he could never have a girlfriend with how he is, but when he feels sexual desire in this camp, he acts on it.
*THE MAN (Male), 34 Years Old (Playing Age: 24-40), Ethnicity (Any): -He seems mentally disturbed with a crazy look in his bulging eyes that makes him appear like he hasn’t slept in years. He is unpredictable, lacks any morality and has a strange obsession with fires. The camp has given him an outlet for his dark urges, and anyone who steps between that will have his fury unleashed upon them.
*BRANDON (Male), 10-12 Years Old (Playing Age: 8-14), Ethnicity (Any): -(All child actors will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian on set. We will also have a DBS checked chaperone present at all times. The production will abide by local ‘Working with Children’ regulations). -A confident young chap who speaks to the adults as equals. He has a caring and considerate side too. But has a short fuse and is easily wound up by the right wind-up-merchant.
*THEODORE (Male), 10-12 Years Old (Playing Age: 8-14), Ethnicity (Any): -(All child actors will need to be accompanied by a parent or guardian on set. We will also have a DBS checked chaperone present at all times. The production will abide by local ‘Working with Children’ regulations). -The most mature of the children at camp and makes decisions with a lot of reason for someone his age. He really appreciates being made to feel special but gets agitated and feisty if someone is actively messing him around.
22-year-old Oskaar lives an inhibited life with his overly controlling parents until he meets Charlie and Arthur out of his bedroom window who introduce him to their camp in the woods that live by one rule – No Judgement. They’re a community of ordinary people that commit to inner-happiness by accepting everyone and everything.
Oskaar’s journey to becoming a cherished member of the camp turns into a series of increasingly disturbing events. As things get worse, Oskaar knows he will have to risk giving up his freedom to act on his conscience. But to stop an atrocity occurring, he will have to save them from themselves.
We want to encourage applications from everyone irrespective of your level of experience. We are taking this approach to ensure we find the people most suited for each role.
***To apply, please email with the following
1. The Character/Role you’re applying for
2. Basic information (Name, Age, Location, Credits)
3. Headshot
4. Showreel (If you have one)
5. Link/links to Spotlight, Mandy, IMDb, Website (OPTIONAL)
If you are interested in being a part of the film CREW – we also encourage you to get in touch.
We look forward to hearing from you.